Our first process and production session back after the Christmas holidays was with Nick.
We were introduced to the objectives/goals of the new set of workshops that I think are more of a progression of where we left off last term with Nick, in as such that we were producing 3-Dimensional analogue communiques, using the same methodology and phrase as we did last term - if possible.
Last term I used the phrase "I am undefined" and used a technique of shading in to form the body of the letters without leaving a defined edge to each of the characters.
So we spent the first session thinking of ways to progress this and scale it up to the third dimension. Continuing with this idea of leaving no definitive edge and being as vague/ambiguous as possible I came up with ideas that used materials such as smoke, fog/mist or clouds, cotton wool, shadows, pencils in timelapse to create a motion blur effect (similar to the output from last term). I then came up with the idea of using as many different media, shapes, styles, sizes as possible so that it wasn't made from just one thing. Talking to Nick about continuing the undefined message, he suggested that I perhaps use something that wouldn't be immediately obvious, and the message would only be legible from a certain perspective
I came up with different messages that used different media, just incase it became impractical to carry on the Undefined, such as 'Calorific'/'Sweet'/'Creamy' written in whipped/squirty cream, 'scrunched up' using scrunched up bits of paper, 'stacked' made up of boxes, 'more than face value' using a mosiac of small valued coins (1p, 2p, 5p etc), 'Digital' using keyboard keys, '75% water' made up of water droplets made visible with food colouring or ink, and 'rubbish' made up of litter.