Wednesday, 16 March 2016

3D Communique 3

The third and final session from Deaks' 3D analogue communique session was focused on producing the final outcome. My time was spent sticking balls of cotton wool to fishing line in preperation for making a mosiac-like construction of the individual letters.

Given how long my original word of 'undefined' was I decided to use a shorter synonym to save time - as this was a lengthy process. I googled synonyms for undefined and settled on the word vague.

The next step was to set up the rig for suspending the balls of wool. This was done by spanning three lines of the fishing line between a wall of the studio and one of the fake wall/partitions that was hanging around the studio. The three lines were secured in place just by using the masking tape that was used to secure the fishing line to the cotton wool - as I can't really tie knot using the line.

Then I started to hang up the bits of the wool from the lines. I started off with the middle letter so that I had a better judge of the spacing between the letters. The G was also the most complex letter to sort out because of the number of components involved, as well certain areas having three different levels on top of each other. I then worked outwards from this til the word was complete. I started by attaching the wool to the lines by tying knots, but this was too fiddly and changed to using some clear sellotape to preserve the lack of definition in any of the elements.This is an almost finished - process shot, without the E on the end.

These are some of the different viewpoints that show that the amorphic art works, as the word is indistinguishable from above, below, and from either side.

From this angle you can make out each of the different letters in the word.

I would have liked this effect to be more clear, but I think this would have taken days to set up, and it would have needed to be scaled up, in both size and number. Also I would have liked to use some stronger line because with even how little a ball of cotton woo and some line weighs, when its all combined together the middle of the line begins to sag. This meant that I had to adjust some of the pieces once they were all on, as well as constantly bringing the lines back to tension every couple of minutes. There was also a couple of times were the lines fell down because they were only secured by tape.